
Showing posts from May 27, 2007

Interview Magazine

I love these shots from Interview Magazine of Keri Rusell. Great art direction! I'm running out to get a copy.


I've been working on this piece for a while, but I think I finally like the composition and the color scheme. It's bold, a little sexy, sweet, innocent and it's got that "Twinkle" , which is what I decided to call it. Copyright Ramona Stalinescu 2007

It's about that time

These flowers are from the Hydrengea shrubs in my garden. It is one of my favorite flowers and they are in bloom. I'm in heaven... I'm not kidding. One of them is a species I got at Home Depot and it blooms for a really long time. I have a purple, a blue one and a white one; I have yet to get a pink one, my favorite color in the garden.