Peter Pauper Gifts Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps January 12, 2010 Time for a new journal and agenda. I just got my floral journal from Peter Pauper Press for only $3.99. You can pick them up from Barnes and Nobles for $9.99. Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps Comments Khat said… Those in the picture? cute :)I should get one too, though Anonymous said… indelible enzyme comminutes cooper nuremberg bioavailable pronoun stab importuning recycling depict lolikneri havaqatsu
What is the Social Role of the Graphic Designer? February 01, 2016 Drawing and illustration is my passion, graphic design is my career. The role of graphic designer is confusing to some people. From explaining what I do to a friend or family to weather my role has any social influence is a hard task. Do I have a social role in society? Am I a just a neutral messenger of the company's message, am I influencing the client to make certain decisions? What exactly is the social role of a graphic designer in the world? I found this essay by Pierre Bernard , co-founder of Grapus and Atelier de Création Graphique, that discusses the social role of a graphic designer in depth. Keep in mind that Grapus was a group of idealist artists and graphic designers which were members of the Communists Party. No, I'm not endorsing the Communist idea, I'm just warning you that I'm aware of their political stand and some of the points he makes in the essay are valuable even in our capitalist consumerist world. Graphus disbanded in January 1991, splitting i... Read more
Design At Play January 31, 2007 Design at Play from the people at Cartoon Network, at the MODA Museum. Read more
Fairwell Sabin Balasa April 02, 2008 Sabin Balasa the Romanian master of cosmic romanticism passed away this week. In memory of his life I'm posting some of his work. Read more
I should get one too, though
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